I was speaking with my right-wing republican sister today and she was griping about Obama raising taxes. The man isn't even in office yet and the complaining has started!
Well, let's take a minute and complain about something that has actually happened:
- We have the highest deficit ever.
- We are fighting two costly wars, one unjustified.
- Our economy has tanked.
- Unemployment is the highest it's been in 20 years and still rising.
- Corporate raiders (CEOs) have run giant corporations into the ground with no oversight.
- Our international standing is a joke.
- And guess what? My taxes are higher under Bush than any of his predecessors.
Obama has to come in and fix the mess that the republican administration has created. If we have to pay higher taxes to do it, there is nobody to blame but the people who got us into this mess.
Dear Sister, your party had their chance, and blew it. I'm not really interested in hearing anyone that voted for Bush complain about what needs to happen so we can recover from his presidency.
Step back, shut up, and give your new president a chance. He can't possibly make anything worse.